And Yet More Post Boxes…

Some of you following this blog may remember my dip into Post Boxes? Well last week in Barcelona I was very chuffed to find a yellow one! Yay!

There are over 800 different types of post boxes in the UK alone. Perhaps you have an unusual one to share? If you do then please post it and link to this one in the comments or via a pingback. I’d love to see it.

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

28 thoughts on “And Yet More Post Boxes…”

  1. Is this going to be your 2017 challenge? 🙂 🙂 I saw a yellow one in Ayamonte recently but I’ve deleted it 😦 I took it because it reminded me of an old, old photo of Mick leaning on a yellow one in Majorca light years ago, but it didn’t live up to the original.

    1. No challenges for 2017. I aim to reduce the blogging next year and concentrate more on photography. Well, I can live in hope can’t I?

        1. I couldn’t retreat altogether, I’d sorely miss all the interaction on here. But once I have the recent trips blogged about I shall try and cut down. At the moment the weather will keep me indoors, but come the spring…

      1. I’ve seen a black but can I find the photograph . . . . think it must have been pre-digital so goodness knows where it is now if I even took a photograph!!!!!

  2. Not only is the bright yellow a great colour for a mailbox, but I love the design on it … like a snail with a crown. The King of Snail Mail?

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