anyone who had a heart

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #305 | Two Rectangles

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

29 thoughts on “anyone who had a heart”

    1. Oh, yes, there were eggs for sale, but we were staying in a bed and breakfast so had no cooking facilities. You often find things like this in the countryside, with honesty boxes in which you put your money. Eggs, honey, flowers even.

  1. Jude, it’s wonderful when we intuitively get rectangles in our images. You proved that with this lovely image. I like the defining fence line that helps create the rectangles. What is even more striking is that your subject is right on that line. Excellent composition!

      1. Along those lines, many years ago I saw a sign outside a restaurant that said something like:

        4 shrimp dinners $7.99.

        Without the hyphen between the 4 and the shrimp, the restaurant was offering four dinners for the normal $7.99 price of one shrimp dinner.

  2. I like honesty boxes, and we have quite a few in the area around Beetley. I always imagine someone trying to use one in London, and it being cleared out in minutes with even the box stolen. 😊

    Best wishes, Pete. x

    1. The farm shop up the road here used to just have a stall with an honesty box and it was broken into several times! Now they have a proper shop.

  3. Great fulfilment of the challenge! We have quite a few honesty-boxes around Suffolk. Lots of plants, fruit & veg – but I always spot the plant ones when it would be difficult to stop! And there’s an honesty-box mini bookstall in the nearby village in aid of the church. (She must have to keep an eye open for rain!)

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