WPC: Fray

verb: fray; 3rd person present: frays; past tense: frayed; past participle: frayed; gerund or present participle: fraying.
  1. (of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravel or become worn at the edge, typically through constant rubbing.
    “cheap fabric soon frays”
    synonyms: unravel, wear, wear thin, wear out, wear away, wear through, become worn, become threadbare, become tattered, become ragged, go into holes, go through

I love the coast. I love what you can find at the coast. From typical bucket and spade beaches to wild unpopulated coastlines. And the variety of photographs that can be taken. Although I am a terrible sailor (just looking at waves can make me sea-sick) I like to wander near fishing harbours for scenes to snap, boats and ropes, lobster pots, chains and winches. I also like to look for flotsam and jetsam, driftwood and frayed rope.


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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

51 thoughts on “WPC: Fray”

  1. Nothing like wandering around harbours for interesting close-ups…. Great selection, Jude, some lovely colours and textures. 🙂

    1. A lot of these were taken of a beach in Alert Bay where logs had washed up wrapped in these ropes. I was fascinated by how many different colours I could find.

  2. I love beachy photos like this especially the way the sea and winds affect the boats and ropes – must be because I was born close to the sea!

    1. It is a difficult one this week. I really had to think hard. I suppose you could go off centre and use a rugby scrum or something similar!

    1. Anything can be interesting Tess. It’s just a matter of looking at it. So many things just pass us by without being noticed. I am sure I see more things now since I started taking a camera with me than I used to.

  3. It had to be frayed rope! I love the header and your first shot, Jude. 🙂
    Apologies for my oversight with your ‘passages’. Got any plans for the Bank Hol? It’s been wet/dry/wet all day here, which is a shame for some of the local shows.

    1. Only thing that popped into my mind Jo! Took a while at that. Now that I don’t work I don’t even notice the Bank Holidays, except for the fact there may be more visitors around the town!

      1. Aye- we usually make it a ‘jobs’ weekend for that reason, and my weekends are always tied up anyway. I have the freedom of the week which is good compensation. 🙂

  4. Another insight into what gives you photographic pleasure. A lovely array of photos, nicely framed by the frayed rope complete with boat. I wonder what you’ll make photographically of my beaches here?

    1. Wide, empty stretches of clean sand. A single footprint. A surfer in the sunrise. Beach babes at Bondi. Ferries in Sydney harbour. A yacht. Kangaroos on the beach. I’m not hoping for much… 🙂

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