Just a few more roofs in squares…

It’s July and the 30 day challenge from Becky.  ‘The Life of B’ has ended. But here are some that got away.

And possibly the building with the most magnificent roof of them all.
The Taj-Mahal

Once again a big thank you to Becky for hosting this challenge. I can’t wait to see what idea she has for September. In the meantime I hope she has a chance to put her feet up and relax. And a big thank you to everyone who took time to like and comment on my entries. It has been a fun month 🙂

And in case anyone was wondering which was the most popular of my roofs I had a look at the stats:

The winner is Lisbon on day 14 with 39 likes and 73 views. Ludlow, day 17 and Potting Shed, day 13 both received 61 views, but Prague on day 16 was next with 43 likes and 59 views. 

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

31 thoughts on “Just a few more roofs in squares…”

  1. oh wow, glad these didn’t completely get away. What a fabulous collection. And loving the stats, has given me a thought for the gallery!

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