the daily life of a Parisian

Queuing for Bread

Waiting for customers

Newspaper Kiosk (1)

Newspaper kiosk (2)

The iconic newspaper kiosks were designed by French architect Gabriel Davioud in 1857.

Gendarmes off to work

Eating Breakfast


All the above images have been edited using a sketch tool ‘pen and ink‘ in grey tones.

Lens-Artists | Everyday Moments

Thursday’s Special

Paula (Lost in Translation) set a very difficult and challenging photo challenge last week. It almost had me stumped. I had an idea in my head, but lacked the vision to translate the idea into an image. Conceptual photography is what she asked for. The art of creating photographs that illustrate an idea.


Be it an illustration of a story, a dramatic moment or even just some simple things in life that would bring a smile to your face, a good conceptual portrait should never leave you indifferent.

walk slowly and think quietly;
observe what is around you,
focus your mind.
stay in control.
listen to nature.
the wind in the trees;

Happy New Year 2015

Thanks to all my followers and virtual blogging friends for visiting my blog this year and liking and/or commenting so often. It has been a delight to get to know you and visit your blogs and I have enjoyed your company. It is this community spirit that makes blogging so worth while and I hope to see many of you in the New Year 🙂

christmas collage NZ a

I was lucky enough to meet two blogging friends this year in Australia which was so exciting! Thank you M-R for your delightful and interesting company and the lunch/brunch and thank you dear Meg for your hospitality in the south.  A most enchanting region and one I hope to return to some day. It felt as though I was meeting up with old (OK less of the old) friends.

I shall leave you this year with a collage of some of my favourite photos from New Zealand, a country I have wanted to visit for a very long time and finally did! And of course, my youngest grandson, Lorenzo, who was my raison d’être for visiting the Antipodes.

Happy New Year everyone, wishing you many happy, safe travels in 2015!