Travel Your Way

Rhinocarhire have a photography travel competition running at the moment which closes on 31st October, so hurry if you want to join in! You don’t have to be nominated to join in, but you do need to nominate five other bloggers on your entry.

Our competition is based around modes of transport and how you travel, whether by road, air, rail or sea, we want you to put your creative thinking hats on and show us your best snaps of each (or as many as you wish) types of transport you’ve encountered. Whether it’s from a recent trip or one from the past, we just want to see how you travel.”

As someone who loves to travel and has used all of these methods (though boats are my least favourite) I decided that I had to give it a go and rummage through my vast digital shoebox to find some suitable images. So enjoy travelling with me!

In 2005 we decided on a trip to Canada, starting with a flight to Toronto, a train to Vancouver and a ferry over to the Island where we hired a car to get around to some amazing places. So join me on my Canadian trip of a lifetime.

Air:Ā  The following images are taken on coming in to land at Toronto as we circled right over the city. Sometimes even having a seat with a wing view can be interesting too.

Train: After a few days exploring Toronto and a quick trip down to Niagara Falls weĀ joined the Canadian train departing from Union Station in the country’s largest city to cross through some of Canada’s most sparsely populated regions. On the first dayĀ the panorama changes from the glass skyscrapers of Toronto to the pine trees of Sioux Lookout. Day two took us to Edmonton, crossing Winnipeg River, the Prairies and the lakes of WhiteshellĀ Provincial Park. On the third day the trainĀ steadily climbs through the foothills of the Rockies, crossing several rivers and glacial lakes of the most stunning colours.Ā After Jasper the trainĀ winds its way through theĀ Yellowhead Pass, the crest of which marks the border of Alberta and British Columbia. The Canadian is in sight of Mount RobsonĀ for 16 km before turning sharply south and descending. In the early hours of the morning the mountains suddenly fall awayĀ and theĀ Canadian follows the flat green fields along the Fraser River. It arrivesĀ at the Pacific Railway Station in Vancouver after a long and astonishing journey.

Boat: On reaching Vancouver the next step of our journey was to travel on the wonderful BC Ferries up and along the Sunshine Coast then over to Vancouver Island. I’m not a very good sailor, but would go on these ferries any time, and if you are lucky, as we were, you might catch a glimpse of a pod or two of Orcas.

Of course there are many other types of boats on Vancouver Island, so here are a few of the smaller ones.

Road: Of course the journey would not be complete without the use of our lovely Lincoln hire car. She enabled us to get off the highways and to more remote places that were not easily accessible by public transport. On and off ferries to explore the smaller islands of Hornby and Denman, over a logging route to visit Telegraph Cove, along the Pacific Rim coastline to Port Renfrew, Ucluelet and Tofino, and north to Alert Bay. But my first journeys in the car were in the environs of Vancouver – to the fabulous UBC Anthropology Museum, Van Dusen Gardens and over the Lions Gate Bridge to Grouse Mountain.

And of course there are many other methods of transport available in Canada. I hope you have enjoyed the ride šŸ™‚

And now for the final part of the competition where I nominate five other bloggers, who I hope will find the time to enter too:

Cee’s Photography
A Word in Your Ear
Emily Luxton
Travels and Trifles

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

14 thoughts on “Travel Your Way”

  1. I like the train with the observation window on top Jude. Saves the age-old problem of always being on one side, or the other!
    Regards as always, Pete. X

    1. Riding up in the observation car was wonderful, although the windows got very dirty so taking photographs wasn’t so good. It was an amazing rail journey.

    1. Thanks Jenny, I hadn’t written about this trip so having the transport theme helped me tie it all together – I don’t honestly think any of the photos are winners, but I had fun, which is the main point of blogging.

  2. This is quick work, Jude. I got my nomination mid-September and it really didn’t appeal to me at the time. But once I got down to it, it was fun. Love your shot of Comox harbour, but then, I’m a boats person. I would love to see Vancouver. šŸ™‚

    1. I think the challenge to look at transport just grabbed me Jo. And then I thought of my Canada trip where we used all types of transport in just the one holiday and, hey presto, the blog was born šŸ˜‰

    1. I have checked your out, great photos as usual, but don’t forget the second part of the comp is to nominate five other blogs!! And don’t forget to inform Rhinocarhire that you have posted your entry šŸ˜€

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