2020 Photo Challenge #23 (Take Two)

June’s theme / technique: Being Creative with DOF

For all the information on this week’s task please read the original post.

Take Two: Another view of my mug of pens on my office desk with the light behind me this time and viewing the mug from the opposite side.

This week's assignment - Take three images of a chosen subject at three different aperture ranges. Low (shallow like f/1.8), medium (intermediate like f/5.6) and high (deep like f/11). Which photo pleases you the most. Why is that? 

If you are still confused about using Aperture Priority Mode, then simply use a zoom lens or camera with zoom settings and select three different focal lengths. Or use three different lenses with various f-number settings. What we are aiming for here is a comparison with f/1.8, f/5.6 and f/16 or whatever the lowest and highest range is available to you.

(please click on an image to enlarge)

(1) F/1.2 – a shallow depth of field (low) where the focus is on the mug of pens andĀ  everything in the background is very blurred.

(2) F/ 5.6 – an intermediate depth of field (medium) where the focus remains on the mug of pens, but the background is more in focus and less blurred, but you still can’t read the label on the tin, nor make out the picture in the far corner.

(3) F/16 – a deep depth of field (high) where not only is the mug of pens in focus but you can now read the label on the tin on top of the filing cabinet and almost see the small picture in the background. Everything is much more in focus.

My favourite this time is the deep depth of field where everything is relatively sharp and clear.

If you would like to join in with the 2020 photo challenge then please take a look at my 2020 Photo Challenge page. No complicated rules, just a camera required šŸ™‚

    • Create your own post with some information about how you composed the shot.
    • Include a link to this page in your post so others can find it too
    • Add the tag #2020PhotoChallenge so everyone can find your entry easily in the WP Reader
    • Get your post(s) in by the end of the month, as the new theme comes out on the first Sunday in July.

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

28 thoughts on “2020 Photo Challenge #23 (Take Two)”

  1. Loving this and learning things too šŸ™‚ just wish I had time this week to play. (Yesterday chaired a conference call with 22 people, and loads of follow up work to do). Maybe Saturday xx

      1. Far too busy. Another full day of festival stuff done today, but tomorrow is fun . . driving to see my Mum šŸ™‚ and she can come and stay with us now from Saturday

        1. No she’ll stay here in Castle Cary, garden keeps her busy. However at least now I can visit, come inside house and stay if I want, and she can visit us šŸ™‚

  2. I’m still struggling, as my camera doesn’t give me a wide range to choose from. I did a series yesterday and frankly, they’re not very different from one another , unlike yours. Ah well. Try. Fail. Try again, Fail again. Fail better.

      1. You’ll see what I came up with. Not Pleased. I can’t be doing with a dodgy camera now, though I suspect I may have pressed something I shouldn’t have.

  3. You have a lens with f/1.2? They used to be so expensive. I had a canon 50 mm f/1.4 once, but rarely used such a wide aperture except in portraits.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

      1. Good thanks. Really relishing isolation – I think I was more affected emotionally and physically by fires than I allowed. I feel restored: aches and pains gone, and focus returned. It took a while.

        And you?

        1. Pleased to hear all is well. Yes Iā€™m enjoying this stay at home time too. Plenty of time for gardening and art. And today it is raining, very welcome it is too.

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