Life in Colour

“I found I could say things with colour and shapes
that I couldn’t say any other way;
things I had no words for.”
~ Georgia O’Keeffe

This is the final post for the colour challenge that I have hosted this year. I thank everyone who has visited this blog and those who have commented and shared their fabulous photos with me and the blogging community throughout the year. I wish you all a happy, safe, and healthy 2022 in which we can all create more blogging memories. 

And remember to embrace and enjoy all the wonderful colours in our lives... ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎

Travel Words will now be taking a short break, but you can still catch up with me over on Cornwall in Colours

Life in Colour

To find out more about this year’s photo challenge here on Travel Words, please read this post.

The world is a kaleidoscope¹ of colour so this month let’s celebrate that with the brightest / most colourful images you can find.

¹(Something that is made up of a lot of different and frequently changing colours or elements)

“Life is about using the whole box of crayons.”  ~ RuPaul

Let’s celebrate colour during December!

Life in Colour

To find out more about this year’s photo challenge here on Travel Words, please read this post.

The world is a kaleidoscope¹ of colour so this month let’s celebrate that with the brightest / most colourful images you can find.

¹(Something that is made up of a lot of different and frequently changing colours or elements)

What a deep and mysterious language,
is the language of dreams.”
~ Paul Gaugin

“Gundabooka” by Peter Williams and “Spirit in the Land” by Wayne Krause

Taronga Wild! Rhinos was a Wild in Art event running in Sydney, Australia from February to April 2014. A spectacular world-class sculpture trail was created, rhinos could be found in the Sydney Harbour foreshore through the Blue Mountains to Dubbo and the Central West region of NSW. These were seen in the Blue Mountains during December 2014.